Envisioning you sitting in the backseat spilling your guts to a stranger makes me laugh. I can't imagine myself doing that. If a Lyft driver asks me about my night, it's automatically 1 star, lol.
The board of directors is a great idea. About 15 years ago, a much older gentleman asked me who my gatekeepers were. I had no idea what he meant. He had 3 people in his life he called his gatekeepers, and each had the key to a specific area of his life. One for finance, one for work, and one for personal relationships. He said he never made a decision in any area without talking to the gatekeeper of that area first. That conversation has always stuck with me. This piece reminds me of it ☺️
Hahaha! People like different things. I have had more than one friend complain that I talk to much to my drivers, probably a good thing I eventually bought my own car!
I love this idea of gatekeepers. I have found that certain people are good for certain pieces of advice and it's good to remember people's strengths. I'm going to have to think about who those people would be if I knew I had to chat with them before making a decision. Thank you for sharing Randy!
Hi Michelle! I love this write-up. Board of directors is a great use of words to define your best friends. I think I'll have to use that from time to time. Having served on boards in the past your description rang true. I'll admit, I wasn't exactly close friends with my fellow board members, but we knew what was said in those meetings was completely confidential. I'm very good at keeping secrets, but we all have that one person who you know will keep it under lock and key all the way to the grave. I'm fortunate to have two friends like that. Anyway, all that to say your write-up is a good reminder of how important friendship is and keeping secrets to ourselves is vital as well. Again, I enjoyed your post. Keep up the great work.
Thank you so much Daniel! It really is a word for your best friends. You're so right about trust and keeping secrets too. There's something about knowing you are in a safe space when making those decisions that helps so much. Appreciate the thoughtful comment!
lol Candace. An excellent article about the excellent topic of decision making through the filter of relationships. I like how you weigh each member of your board against what you need in the moment and your gardening analogy. Perhaps there still is a place for stranger feedback, but simply weigh it accordingly. I particularly enjoy your observation how everyone is simply projecting their own past upon present circumstances. Something I've found invaluable is the right frame of mind to seek out challenging and difficult feedback firmly grounded in trust and love. While I forget the exact source (maybe it was a bumper sticker), I once read: "Parents give their children both roots and wings."
Thank you so much Tai! I really like this idea of being in the right frame of mind when seeking out feedback. For me, once I know what's important to me, I find it's easier to listen to feedback and filter out what I need to hear. I love that bumper sticker too haha!
Great essay! This is one of life's little quirks that I appreciate immensely; random conversations, especially personal of nature, can be fun, enlightening, but wrong at the same time. Great idea and hope you put to practice with your journey.
Thank you Brent! I agree, in writing this, I went back and forth on how I felt about talking to strangers. I really do enjoy those moments of connection with people. And I agree, it's good to know the difference between fun and enlightening while also filtering for what resonates.
This is great Michelle! I'm so glad the Personal Board of Directors framework was useful, and I love how you break it down. I think the totally biased cheerleaders are such an important seat to fill on the board!
Thank you Melissa! I found the BOD framework super helpful, especially when I'm having doubt and want to start polling everyone. The biased cheerleaders are underrated, but I really appreciate the strong foundation and support!
Thank you so much Rachael! You can be elevated to the Board with my parents.
Until this moment, I forgot that I had ever cried in a lyft (maybe a few times, who can say). "Ride share turns into secret-share" is an essay that needs to be written. Those private moments can be so intimate. Appreciate your comment and feedback along the way!
Love this, Michelle! I spent years the opposite, shying away from speaking to the Candace's of the world. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle, and it sounds like you've found it! ✨
Thank you Erin! It's funny, I'm surprised to hear that as I see you now as such warm and inviting person. It is a sweet spot, and I will probably always be guilty of talking too much in my Lyft & Ubers haha.
Thank you Michelle, I’m happy to hear that! 🥰 It’s hard to fight shyness and anxiety, but so worth it. I’m sure if we were ever in an Uber together one day, they’d kick us out from all the chatter! 😆
That's so true! I've had some mentors for only a few years that had a great impact. Meanwhile, I'm happy my family has provided a wonderful foundation for my whole life. Thank you for your comment!
Thank you so much Silvio! You have me questioning whether or not I need to keep asking people for advice. I'm almost nostalgic for these kinds of conversations now.
Envisioning you sitting in the backseat spilling your guts to a stranger makes me laugh. I can't imagine myself doing that. If a Lyft driver asks me about my night, it's automatically 1 star, lol.
The board of directors is a great idea. About 15 years ago, a much older gentleman asked me who my gatekeepers were. I had no idea what he meant. He had 3 people in his life he called his gatekeepers, and each had the key to a specific area of his life. One for finance, one for work, and one for personal relationships. He said he never made a decision in any area without talking to the gatekeeper of that area first. That conversation has always stuck with me. This piece reminds me of it ☺️
Hahaha! People like different things. I have had more than one friend complain that I talk to much to my drivers, probably a good thing I eventually bought my own car!
I love this idea of gatekeepers. I have found that certain people are good for certain pieces of advice and it's good to remember people's strengths. I'm going to have to think about who those people would be if I knew I had to chat with them before making a decision. Thank you for sharing Randy!
This makes me smile ;) Lovely illustration of a personal journey and full of gems and jokes!
Thank you so much Helen! I have always wanted to tell this Lyft story, and I was happy to see realize it had a place here.
✨Growth✨ We love to see it.
Also Candace sounds nosey AF😂
Better ever year! Now I just need to stop outsourcing relationship advice 😂
Candace had no shame hahaha and I was ready to take advantage of someone willing to listen to my problems
Hi Michelle! I love this write-up. Board of directors is a great use of words to define your best friends. I think I'll have to use that from time to time. Having served on boards in the past your description rang true. I'll admit, I wasn't exactly close friends with my fellow board members, but we knew what was said in those meetings was completely confidential. I'm very good at keeping secrets, but we all have that one person who you know will keep it under lock and key all the way to the grave. I'm fortunate to have two friends like that. Anyway, all that to say your write-up is a good reminder of how important friendship is and keeping secrets to ourselves is vital as well. Again, I enjoyed your post. Keep up the great work.
Thank you so much Daniel! It really is a word for your best friends. You're so right about trust and keeping secrets too. There's something about knowing you are in a safe space when making those decisions that helps so much. Appreciate the thoughtful comment!
lol Candace. An excellent article about the excellent topic of decision making through the filter of relationships. I like how you weigh each member of your board against what you need in the moment and your gardening analogy. Perhaps there still is a place for stranger feedback, but simply weigh it accordingly. I particularly enjoy your observation how everyone is simply projecting their own past upon present circumstances. Something I've found invaluable is the right frame of mind to seek out challenging and difficult feedback firmly grounded in trust and love. While I forget the exact source (maybe it was a bumper sticker), I once read: "Parents give their children both roots and wings."
Thank you so much Tai! I really like this idea of being in the right frame of mind when seeking out feedback. For me, once I know what's important to me, I find it's easier to listen to feedback and filter out what I need to hear. I love that bumper sticker too haha!
Great essay! This is one of life's little quirks that I appreciate immensely; random conversations, especially personal of nature, can be fun, enlightening, but wrong at the same time. Great idea and hope you put to practice with your journey.
Thank you Brent! I agree, in writing this, I went back and forth on how I felt about talking to strangers. I really do enjoy those moments of connection with people. And I agree, it's good to know the difference between fun and enlightening while also filtering for what resonates.
This is great Michelle! I'm so glad the Personal Board of Directors framework was useful, and I love how you break it down. I think the totally biased cheerleaders are such an important seat to fill on the board!
Thank you Melissa! I found the BOD framework super helpful, especially when I'm having doubt and want to start polling everyone. The biased cheerleaders are underrated, but I really appreciate the strong foundation and support!
Watch out NYT Bestsellers...here comes Michelle V!
Lyft drivers have been oh so kind to lend a shoulder to cry on, to offer a two-way vent session. Ride share turns into secret-share lol
I enjoyed learning more about your Board and seeing these lovely photos too :)
Thank you so much Rachael! You can be elevated to the Board with my parents.
Until this moment, I forgot that I had ever cried in a lyft (maybe a few times, who can say). "Ride share turns into secret-share" is an essay that needs to be written. Those private moments can be so intimate. Appreciate your comment and feedback along the way!
Love this, Michelle! I spent years the opposite, shying away from speaking to the Candace's of the world. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle, and it sounds like you've found it! ✨
Thank you Erin! It's funny, I'm surprised to hear that as I see you now as such warm and inviting person. It is a sweet spot, and I will probably always be guilty of talking too much in my Lyft & Ubers haha.
Thank you Michelle, I’m happy to hear that! 🥰 It’s hard to fight shyness and anxiety, but so worth it. I’m sure if we were ever in an Uber together one day, they’d kick us out from all the chatter! 😆
I've been an advocate of a personal board of directors for s while. They are essential in a world where you have to operate as me.inc.
Some are temporary members showing up for short 3-yr positions. Others are members for life.
That's so true! I've had some mentors for only a few years that had a great impact. Meanwhile, I'm happy my family has provided a wonderful foundation for my whole life. Thank you for your comment!
I like the final version, Michelle. Your view surfaces nicely. Great job!
Thank you so much Silvio! You have me questioning whether or not I need to keep asking people for advice. I'm almost nostalgic for these kinds of conversations now.