May 11, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

"Nothing makes you feel like you dreamt a little too small when the universe hands you exactly what you asked for and you realize it’s unscented lotion."

My Mum and sister are laughing out loud beside me as we read this.

Another winner, Michelle, made all the better with that Futureme letter.

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Karena this made me so happy, I'm so happy you all enjoyed it! Thank you for sharing my writing with your family :) And yes, when the Futureme letter came in, I took it as a sign that it was finally time to get this piece out into the world.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

What an enjoyable read Michelle! Amazing stories and great reminder to always think big, it takes the same effort in the end. Also about being vocal and clear about it, completely onboard with it, if not, why would we even be publishing what we write?

Happy to confirm you're on the path to accomplishing all your big dreams!!

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So true, it does take the same effort, just a little bit of opening up required. You're so right too, publishing our writing is a manifestation in itself really. Thank you for the comment and for your feedback on my draft, I've really manifested the writing community I could only dream about a few months ago!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Absolutely adore this piece, and you! 'Nothing makes you feel like you dreamt a little too small when the universe hands you exactly what you asked for and you realize it’s unscented lotion.' Well done manifesting all of the postivity and good vibes you create in all corners of the internet.

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Thank you so much Kelly, for your kind words and support while I was writing it! I try to bring the positivity and good vibes, so lucky it's brought people like you in my life!

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May 13, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Michelle, I loved this essay from title to footnotes, it was vulnerable and comical and a true journey. It would be so awesome for this to be a yearly recurring piece - keep emailing future you and checking in on your manifestations!

Love it ♥️ beautiful job

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Thank you so much Haley, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it! You are totally right, I need to write another Futureme email (which is once again vulnerable and scary and I can tell I'm resisting haha). I appreciate your kind words!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

"The first time I “let go”, I had to pry my mental fingers off the manifestation" - this is such a sticky and vivid image I'm sure I'll wind up stealing it in the future, "prying mental fingers" off of things that need to be released. Great job on this piece.

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haha please feel free too, that image is exactly how it feels inside my brain sometimes. Thank you for the kind words and also for all your help with the draft! You pushed me to make it better in so many ways and I really appreciate that!

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May 15, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I think that's how it feels in all of our brains, which is why it's so good.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I knew this was going to be a winner when I heard you talk about it in the sparring gym. Love the humor you brought into it. I'm starting my manifestation list now, lol.

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Thank you so much for helping me talk through this piece when it was just a very confused idea. I hope you have already received some of those things on your list haha

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May 15, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

That floor to ceiling window sounds wonderful. Let’s host a writing retreat in bali

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haha I need to spend more time on Zillow, otherwise, I will manifest a glass house. Yes, let's do it! Real time logging of my manifestations coming true!

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May 15, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Hahaha omg this was so good. You even have me wondering about this whole negative speech thing and trust me , case in point lol, I am the most cynical dipshit about all of this stuff

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Thank you so much for saying that and for helping me process this whole thing! I don't know if this piece would've ever came out without your support. LOL I think one of the best takeaways is removing negative speech! For me, part of it was even just being aware of how often I end up doing it. I appreciate the comment and all the support!

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May 13, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I love seeing the courage you are summoning to say what you want. It's so hard to picture this sometimes when we are sprinting on a default path for a time. I remember a few years back in a coaching session for a course I took, she said "I think you know what you want but you are hiding."

This stung, and she was also right.

I believe in you!

p.s. lotion is a fine thing to manifest...even the best life is uncomfortable when your skin is suffering 😉

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Thank you so much Claire! I love that you shared what your coach said, that resonates with me so much! I feel like so often we do know, but we are afraid either to admit it or to share it. Or at least that's the case with me. I believe in you too :)

haha thank you for saying that about the lotion, I think it was something I need to take care of before everything else could fall into place!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

This is beautiful! Love that you mentioned vulnerability as a part of manifesting.

Also, I got a good laugh out of the lotion being the result of your manifestation haha

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haha thank you so much Catalina! I'm glad it made you laugh. For me, I think being vulnerable was the real blocker to manifesting, though it took me some time to realize that.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I love what you did with this. This turned out so well and is such a testament to you continuing to invite abundance in your life.

I was a physics major and quantum engineer and I usually zone out when people talk about the “physics of manifestation.” You’re not alone in that at all

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Thank you so much Latham, both for the kind words and also for all your help with the initial draft! You believed in it so early and that pushed me to get it over the finishing line. I appreciate you sharing it in your newsletter as well!

hahaha that's comforting! I can rationalize it without all the science, but I appreciate that it comes together for some people in that way.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Lol for lotion. I had to stop reading and comment "Lol" for lotion :P ;P

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hahaha thank you Charu, I'm so happy to hear it made you smile :)

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May 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

“I hadn’t even fully admitted it to myself because you know, vulnerability.” Loved this piece, and you are an amazingly powerful manifestor! And lingering on this insight that sometimes clarity within ourselves can be the most vulnerable kind.

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Thank you so much for your kind words Kristin! I'm so happy to hear the piece resonated. It's funny, a year ago I did not feel like a powerful manifestor and now I feel like my vibes are so high that I'm super aware of my the things I say. Which I consider net positive. I appreciate the thoughtful comment!

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I loved this, Michelle. I fall on the old habit of dreaming small and negative manifestations. This was a sage reminder to beware 5-year supplies of lotion. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you so much Dekera! Haha, lotion is great but if we have the power to manifest anything, it is definitely lower on the list.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Love this Michelle! I was asked by someone to try out visualisation and manifestation recently, and I felt skeptical every time I tried. I feel a lot more positive about it reading this essay, and maybe it’ll work better now :)

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Abhishek, thank you so much for the comment! I'm so happy to hear you are feeling more positive about it, maybe it was fated synchronicity to try it out ;)

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May 16, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

God damn, Michelle! I enjoy your reading so much, my face hurts from smiling! Always keep writing please. Always.

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This is so sweet Sri, thank you so much! Comments like this make it worth writing every week.

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