May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Loved reading this wonderful message that was very much written in YOUR voice :D

"With that permission, I was soon roaming around Twitter, commenting on everything. It felt like I was crashing a wedding, engaging with the guests before anyone could tell I wasn’t actually invited." hahaha

I remember when I first started dipping my toes into this world. One of the first things I did was DM you, because I loved your writing and we had stuff in common and you seemed cool. You took the time to hop on a call with me and talk through a lot of the stuff you've discussed here - the reluctance to be on social media, the tension, the fear. Our conversation gave me the information and courage I needed to dive in, and I'm so grateful that I did. This piece is in many ways an essay version of our conversation, one that we will all benefit from by virtue of more people diving into this world.

Thank you for being you, Michelle

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Thank you so much for this super thoughtful comment, Alex! Watching your growth in this space has made me feel so proud, even though I don't do any of the heavy lifting. It gives me confidence to share things like this because I see how people like you make it their own and find success. I appreciate you and look forward to continue rooting for you in your journey!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese


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thank you!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Great, encouraging piece, Michelle. Nobody could have written this better than you did. You’re a benchmark for all of us. And -- even for you -- the journey has just begun! I seriously hope this lasts forever. :)

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Thank you so much, Silvio! The journey is still so early for us, even though I think I feel in my bones every one of the last few weeks over the last few months. I'm so lucky to have writing friends like you on this journey, people who I see write such well written pieces each week and inspire others with their writings. I appreciate this, and every comment!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

needed this today! been self-concious about my writing and sharing online lately, and this gave me a gentle and kind kick in the butt 🤪 and you DO have good reply game! thanks for writing this and letting us follow along.

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Thank you so much, Carina! I'm so happy it found you at the right time. Writing and sharing that writing online is more of practice than a skill that gets perfected (I assume). It's funny how arbitrary the sharing of my work is, some weeks it just feels a little harder. I appreciate the kind words and all the little interactions we have on Twitter!

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May 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

It feels so friendly and encouraging reading this piece.

Another gem on a perennial topic while delivered with your distinctive voice.

Thanks for your continued and ongoing support!

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Thank you for the sweet comment and also for your support! I think this piece and my own trajectory would be very different if I didn't have people like you as a sounding board. I appreciate it so much!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

My favorite read of the week. And now when I finally get my butt around to creating a Twitter account I know who the first follow will be. Such a fun and informative piece, Michelle!

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Thank you so much, Sean! In the time it took me to respond to this comment, you've already started your Twitter account which is so cool to see. I'm looking forward to watching your journey as well. I appreciate the kind words!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I think 'feel good self-promotion' should be a new thing! Really like how you framed this and share so openly!

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Thank you, Jess! I *love* the term "feel good self-promotion," that's amazing! It's true, I think after getting over the initial shyness of sharing, it can become fun as you find your rhythm and what's authentic to you. I appreciate the comment!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

This was great! I've always had a fear of self-promotion, but have found it useful to frame it as if I was giving advice to a friend . If my friend was writing a blog, I would tell them to share it far and wide - because no one will read it if they don't know about it

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Thank you, Saurav! The advice to give advice to a friend is such a good one. I will always tell a friend they should share the piece or celebrate a win. It feels so much more naturally to encourage our peers and want to watch them grow. You're right, it's important to channel that energy back to ourselves!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Your writing on distribution (and other things) is a breath of fresh air!

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Thank you so much! I appreciate all the support and comments both here and on Twitter!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Reminds me of the conversation we had last week with the group about follower counts and focusing on what really matters. Thanks for putting these thoughts into an essay I can share with others

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Thank you, Hesam! I hope it inspires anyone you share it with as well. We're so encouraged to focus on the numbers, but in the end, I find it hard to attach any meaning to that goal. Also, I'm looking forward to season 2 of your family newsletter!

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May 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

As someone that is currently in the "screaming into the void" stage, this essay really resonates with me. Thanks for sharing your experiences, it helps us keep plugging away!

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Haha Sam, I feel you! Thank you so much, it gets better, I promise. The wild thing is when I miss feeling like I could just put anything out into the world and it was almost comforting to realize there wasn't anyone listening. Trade offs!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Wow Michelle, reading your story of how you actually got started online totally surprised me. You totally give off the 'she knows something we don't' vibe so I loved the part where you couldn't find your DMs on Twitter when you started out.

This is like one of those things you read that humanizes your idol.

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You are so funny, Sri! This comment makes me smile, and I'm so happy we had a chance to *actually* humanize each other via conversation. I'm excited for you. You're carving your own path and it's so awesome to watch. Of course, I also relate to so much of the stuff you share so it's an added bonus for me!

Also, it literally took me months to find my DMs and it turns out, no one was sending me messages anyway haha!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

What a great reminder that there is another way outside of the Twitter hustle and algorithm dance. You're an inspiration for us all. And I'll gladly join your Substack Pod if you want to

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I hope so, Latham! I try to check in and make sure I'm on the edges of it, not getting sucked in. For the same reason, I'm here for the Substack Pod! Thank you for inspiring this piece. When you mentioned that my little spiel on distribution resonated, I was like well, I guess I could write about that! Crazy to see how a little seed of any idea can grow.

Mission: Make Substack Notes A Thing

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

But really where’s the link to that jay shetty episode!?

Great piece Michelle. Already has my wheels turning...

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hahaha I have two go-tos depending on what type of person I'm interacting with. Martha Beck's interview or Jay Sean's interview. Ok it's rarely the latter, but I am patiently waiting.

Thank you for the comment! Can't wait to see what these wheels bring forth...

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May 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

You’re my favourite twitter follow and my favourite kind and authentic person on the internet M 💜 Great essay. Thanks for writing it. Will take your advice more seriously with my new found bandwidth to be a full human again.

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Oh hello, I love following you too! I'm so happy you made the Twitter decisions that you did and now I get blessed with so much great Malavika content. I've found many great people and pieces because of you. You do get a bandwidth pass, I am *always* pro live your life first!

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Apr 3Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Appreciate these words of wisdom Michelle. Definitely time to step up my reply game...starting...now!

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haha I like the meta comment Patrick! Thank you for the kind words!

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I also want to add that you don't have to force yourself into writing a reply that is very deep and life-changing. I learned that the hard way.

On Twitter before, I couldn't reply to most of the posts I wanted to reply to because I had no idea how to write my agreement in a lyrical and deep response. And because of this post, you helped me realized that I can just reply with whatever I want to say and just leave it as that because, in the end, all that matters is conversing and letting out your own thoughts about it.

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Thank you for your comment! This is such a great point. Sometimes I do just write, "love it" or something simple. It's what I feel and I don't always have more to say. Ironically, taking the pressure off made it more fun for me, and I've started to tip into the other direction. Now sometimes I end up writing long excited responses and forget I don't know the person!

I appreciate the add on and I'm happy to hear it resonated!

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