Oct 27, 2022Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

‘A mantra our sales leaders loved to parrot was, “You could get an easier job and make more money somewhere else. But you are so lucky to be a part of this world class team.” 

I wanted to be worthy of a world class team. Now, I recognize how this environment validated an insecurity I had. Secretly, I believed I wasn’t good at my job. Even though everyone on my team was struggling, I felt in my heart that I was the problem. Thus, I concluded that I was lucky to still be at this company.’

This part reminded me of a book I am reading called ‘Cultish’ and how this mindset works to make people feel exactly as you described here. This is so reflective and I love this entire piece.

You also got a shoutout in WoP live session for being an awesome student and positive comments and contributions. Congrats to you for pioneering your own journey!

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Oh I may have to check out this book - cult feels like a good word in a lot of ways here. Thank you also for the sweet message! I'm so grateful to be in such a positive, supportive community now.

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Jun 9Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I love this story. For the reminder that all bad things that happen to us end up being good things down the road. Thank you for your bravery and honest. I hope post-getting-fired life is still treating you well!

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Thank you, Tatiana! It's a reminder I always need. Post-getting-fired has only gotten better and better over time. Sometimes I look back at this experience (now three years ago!) and it's a bit wild to me to think I was so stressed and in the wrong spot but didn't realize it. Life feels much more in alignment these days!

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

> I wanted to be worthy of a world class team. Now, I recognize how this environment validated an insecurity I had. Secretly, I believed I wasn’t good at my job. Even though everyone on my team was struggling, I felt in my heart that I was the problem. Thus, I concluded that I was lucky to still be at this company.

CHEESE and CRACKERS this resonates with the fiery intensity of a thousand suns!!! great read

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hahaha I'm not happy to hear it resonated in the sense that it's not to go through, but cheese and crackers made me giggle!

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Ohh, this resonates. Thank you for writing this. I got laid off *on my birthday* in 2021 while laying in a hotel room hours after a (minor) surgery, tablet propped on a pillow....

...and it was such a gift. I feel that, but sometimes it's hard to reckon that feeling with how (I think) the world thinks about it.

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Tyler, thank you so much for reading and letting me know the essay resonated with you! I'm sorry to hear you were laid off on your birthday and after a surgery. I'm sure it's never a good time to lose your job, but I know for me it stung a little more because the timing was just bad.

That being said, I'm happy to hear you've come to a similar conclusion that it was a gift! Not something I could say day one after losing my job, but something I can now look back and appreciate. I took a peek at your website, and it seems like you've been on a similar journey creating a more meaningful and authentic life. It's so nice to read about more people on this path. Best of luck on your projects!

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Ah still felt 💔 reading through the story with your last company. I resonated so much that we were so blindly programmed to prove ourself in an unnecessary environment, and only realized that things weren't right when we finally had the chance to breath. I'm so happy you are where you are right now. I think creators who are committed and kind like you will definite see success in your own term down the road, just a matter of sooner or later :)

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Yes! Your comment beautifully summarizes so well how I feel. Thank you so much for your kind words, Angie ❤️ it's amazing to see how different the experience is now to be in such a supportive community!

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

"Looking back, I have compassion for my former myself." 😌

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probably the best lesson I learned <3

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WOW what an amazing journey!!!

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Thank you Christin!

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