Oct 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I'm excited on what your first physical book pick is!

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Of course, I bought way more than I can read in one period of time 😂 thank you for your comment Becky!

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Wasn't expecting a Mitch Albom reference, but awesome to see it!

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haha he's a midwest treasure! Thank you for your comment Randy!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

There are so many developmental mental pathways that map to that tactile experience. Nice commitment!

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It's so true Karena! Now I'm using paper schedules too, it helps a ton. Thank you for your comment!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Ah it's a delight to be reading you again Michelle. I'm looking forward to hearing more about those physical reads and I need to know which book store in Mexico City that is!

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I hope Oscar took you to it! Thank you for commenting and always for your support!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I'm a bit torn. On the one hand I am committed to reducing clutter and 'stuff' in my own a large portion of which is represented by physical books. On the other I share your fondness for the many benefits of reading a physical book.

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I feel this David! I give away so many books every time I move and typically only keep the ones that are gifts. I find that I do a bit of a hybrid now. I have to admit though, having a physical copy of things is really nice. Thank you for your comment!

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Jan 25Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Love this Michelle! I really like how you say "Ads that take a softer tone ... and can be left behind on page two." There's a beautiful sense in your piece of creating space and time to just be, and how that opens up the possibility of real attraction to a book or ad or whatever, instead of this firehose of stuff that's crammed down our throats. Would love to hear notes from your physical-info adventures.

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Thank you for your comment Kristin! It's been going well. This weekend my friends were visiting and grabbed a copy of my New Yorker to do a crossword puzzle on the beach. The a comic in the magazine also inspired a fun conversation. All little things that were triggered by a physical magazine instead of looking at a distracting phone.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Steven mentioned this essay and was ashamed I hadn't devoted the time to properly read it, but here I am! So true, and reading it reminded me that it applies to everything, being able to TOUCH something, someone, is the difference of it being there. I also have to confess that I find a Kindle a good happy middle haha.

Also, loved the coincidence of me taking Steven to another Péndulo and you using a picture from one of those. Love, love that place and go very often :)

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Thank you for coming and taking the time to read it Oscar! What an honor to have it mentioned when you two were together. I agree, Kindle is a good happy middle. Especially now that I realize that books are expensive! When did this happen! I love that coincidence too.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

This! 🙌🏽

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Thank you Jen!

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Enjoyed this Michelle! :)

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I'm so happy to hear that Ishan! I hope you are doing well!

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

"Or a video popping up with the details of Kim Kardashian’s latest lover. The price I must pay for reading anything for free." I laughed out loud, Michelle. And "I crave the physical": yes, yes, yes! I also remember the details of paper books better: I swear it's because I see them on the shelf and my brain is refreshing the plot and subject over and over again.

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I'm so happy it made you smile Alissa! These are the stories based on my real experiences and targeted adds haha. I agree with what you're saying too, something about the physical book is a little bit more memorable!

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I'm here for more physical reading too! I've noticed I have a hard time focusing when reading physical books/magazines now, more so than when I was younger. I used to love my old kindle too, it was great for reading on the train without carrying the weight of a monstrous book. But i noticed the weird black and white ads that came up too, and it turned me off. Now I have no idea where it was.

It would be so cool if substack had a service where once a month you can pick like 5 of your favorite writers and they'd print and send a physical copy of their work for that month!

+1 Becky - what's at the top of your physical book list??

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Yes! Thank you for this comment Liz. I've noticed in the last few months that my attention span is getting better (I hope, maybe I just made this up). I had the same issues with Ads on my Kindle. When I had to replace it, I paid extra (wild!) to not have the ads.

I love the idea of a book from Substack! I feel like I'm going to test something out.

Of course, after writing this I bought more books than I can read!

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

One day, when I have a bigger space, there will be a room for physicals things. Lined floor to ceiling with countless stories and one of those polished, wooden sliding ladders.

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I love that image Alex, I want it too!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

From a fellow Detroit Free Press devourer, this resonates.

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haha the Michigan references are for you and Randy!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I love this, Michelle! And gosh how I long for a world with less distractions and more quality. I honestly think we’ve been moving too far into the digital world, and people are starting to long for the physical things again. I, too, find myself loving a good old magazine and the smell of library books these days

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I totally agree Carina! And I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the piece. Thank you for your comment!

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

I love this! When I was in elementary school, 6th grade to be exact, every other Friday we would walk from the school to the public library. I loved library day. My problem was not having enough time to read all the books I checked out. I thought I could be a hero and read them all, but there just wasn't enough time. Now that I'm older, I keep telling myself to stop buying books because I have plenty waiting in the back burner. Unfortunately, that hasn't stopped me. I have paperbacks, hardcovers and, of course, the Kindle app. Maybe since I'm an English teacher I make time to read lengthy articles and 400–500-page novels. However, I do understand people's attention levels have shortened over the years because of social media and other distractions we didn't have in my day. Anyway, I write all this to say reading is fun, at least for me. Thank you for sharing this, Michelle. You brought back some memories for me. Nice work as always.

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I love this memory Daniel! It's so true, the pile of books to read (physical or not) is never ending. I even bought a bunch after I wrote this and of course cannot read them fast enough. Thank you for thoughtful comment!

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

lol you and I have opposite problems---I have TOO many physical books.

My analog desk has over 100 scattered and stacked right now, then there's my side table and my actual bookshelf filled with them.

There's no winning 🫠

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hahaha ugh I am starting to relate! There really is no winning 😂

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Apr 11Liked by Michelle Elisabeth Varghese

Really loving the response to this months later lol there is no urgency — takeeee thattt timeeee

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hahaha I'm embracing the way of the physical world

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